Sunday, March 29, 2009

Raise Independent Voice

Q: Why I write my amateur opinion on every topic?

"If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead and rotten, either write something worth reading or do things worth the writing." [Courtesy Sreekanth Naidu ]. Line to inspire this post is quoted above. It is a tool to raise independent voice. The greed or ambition of conveying owns voice to everyone is secondary motto in everyone writing. Here comes a bizarre collection of wisdom words below.

There came a adsense offer which attracts me to sponsor the blog with advertising. I resisted the idea long ago, and continue to resist it. After all their is a difference between a Blog and a ad magazine. My blog is a forum of discussion of diverse points of view independent of commercial liabilities. The material can be adapted or copied from other source of which I am merely the convener or distributor. The other, a commercial enterprise for the benefit of the owners presenting a particular view point. I write blog to express our thoughts clearly, not for any ZYX company. Blog is like free software movement which has changed the whole scenario of IT industry. It will become the face of free media in future.

Now main concern here is independent voice in every aspect of work or art. For detail read this[3] cocktail of cinema and free software movement.

Read one more good article about independent cinema[2]:
Independent film sensation like Reservoir Dogs, Little Miss Sunshine or Juno. These aspiring filmmakers often work day-jobs while they pitch their scripts to independent film production companies, talent agents, and wealthy investors. Independent movie-making has also resulted in the proliferation and re-popularisation of short films and short film festivals. Full-length films are often showcased at film festivals such as the Sundance Film Festival and the Slamdance Film Festival. Although the concept of independent films is not new to India, the trend is catching up vehemently in the last couple of years. With emergence of a new breed of filmmakers with small-budget films like Bheja Fry, Mixed Doubles, Khosla ka Ghosla, Indian films are breathing afresh."

Hoping for the best for indie films like Frozen and Gulabi Talkies. Wanting to share a trick of independent cinema movement directors: "Talk is cheap; action is expensive."

Read a beautiful line few days ago [1]:'Today, the world is in the midst of an economic, social and environmental crisis that is overturning much conventional wisdom. The best course of action is to tackle it head-on with new ideas and paradigms, fostering an environment that rewards creativity and encourages "black swans."Most of us are youth and have far fetched dreams to change the system for good of masses. As we grow old,we learn the reality of consequence.'

Passing Thoughts:-

'Never let your sense of morals get in the way of doing what's right.'

I do not understand the meaning of the above line first time. Then a book named The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain explained meaning of it clearly. It is account of journey of young and rebel boy in 1870's American dropout with strong remarks on orthodox society practices. Twain’s witty humor is largely expressed through irony and sarcasm. By portraying people with realism and shunning sentimentality, Twain makes a strong statement about human nature and societal hypocrisy.

-e-Swecha is free operating system build for the need of the engineering student.If you are an engineering student get it ASAP.

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