Qualifying IIT JEE 2004 was a big event in my life. And this exam revealed certain character out of me. Now, I was going away from home as a teenager to get experience of college life.
I want to start a new phase in my life by undertaking mechanical engineering as my career in ITBHU, Varanasi. I arrived by Shivganga Express from Kanpur.
Story before counseling: Choosing a seat of Mechanical Eng. in ITBHU was my decision that I will remember for the life time. Till then, I consider IT-BHU equivalent to IIT-K in all aspect and do not care that it has not extra 'I' in its name; I was dreaming that no facility will be lagging and working condition will be extremely professional there. I also left Electrical Eng. for the sake of Mechanical Eng. I was fond and pride of this tough call at that time; But dreams died slowly here.
City was not so good looking as seen from the windows of train. I was not hoping huge expectations from the city. We were received by a bunch of seniors at the railway station. They had volunteered for hospitality to have fun. After waiting for 1 hour, a bus arrives and we were pushed inside a bus which never looks good from the first look. It was a fair welcome from the ITBHU;
When I arrived at Lanka (for god sake who had named this place? He must be native of Srilanka or a distant relative of Raavan); In the bus travel, little was said between us freshers but seniors keep blabbing about the HOLY city Varanasi. I now call it 'hole' city as all good things are drained away by stagnation and orthodoxies;
Arrival at the main gate of university was a anxious moment and seeing the person's statue who had built the university was a charming second of my life. I was thinking that he dream a dream to live up with a dream....