Sunday, April 15, 2007

एक बूँद सहसा उछली

यायावर में कोई आत्मावसाद नही है। भीतर उमडे हुए करुण भाव को अपने ही पर ढलकर वाह कारुन्य का अप्व्यय नही करेगा...केवल गहरा स्पन्दन्शील अकेलापन, जिसमे संवेदना की अतिरिक्त सजगता है, मन मानो जड़ है । देखना है, सुनना है, घ्रान है, स्पर्श है- सभी कुछ है, किन्तु नही है चिन्तन वहाँ सतह पर आ गया है और भीतर केवल सन्नाटा है।

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Enter The Dragon-2

Continuing from previous post: I was dropped by bus at Rajputna hostel of ITBHU. I was thinking about the condition of the hostel but it was looking quite satisfactory. Warden of my hostel was S.H. Hasan (I don't like him from the first day).

Next day was my registration at the college. The days of adventure or freelancing kick start here. I was sent alone by my parents for my registration to S.B. hall where orientation was going on.

My father was told by warden that there so much strictness, no rag can happen. And I was also ready for small rag but seniors with old tricks lay ahead of me like pack of hunters. I was walking alone from Rajputana to S.B. hall and was interrupted five times by the seniors. I was asked name and my native place. I was really scared last time as a senior told me that Mechanical is most bhokali branch and ragging is more in this than any other branch. I was now attending the address by director and sitting by good luck between 2nd yearites. After boring speech was over, the formalities of registration and bank accounts were over soon.

Zaheer Khan sir headed us for a guided tour of our department. I recalled this poem after experiencing the environment of the institute. Institute gives me feel of old and arrogant king walking with pride on shoulders of past without changing with time. Tour was over soon.

My roll no. was 20040603; Room no. 28 Rajputana; And the day in ITBHU had started....

Friday, March 30, 2007


O mighty mirror,
Who never do error,
Reveals inside character,
Gives life a new color;

Seeking for the truth around us,
Searching to the boundaries of mind;
Never we dare to look with close view,
To face the truth or image of us in it.

Reflects our soul to us,
Not mirage of our false hopes;
And us becoming victims and accused,
By judging our-self in frame of reality.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Enter The Dragon

Qualifying IIT JEE 2004 was a big event in my life. And this exam revealed certain character out of me. Now, I was going away from home as a teenager to get experience of college life.

I want to start a new phase in my life by undertaking mechanical engineering as my career in ITBHU, Varanasi. I arrived by Shivganga Express from Kanpur.

Story before counseling: Choosing a seat of Mechanical Eng. in ITBHU was my decision that I will remember for the life time. Till then, I consider IT-BHU equivalent to IIT-K in all aspect and do not care that it has not extra 'I' in its name; I was dreaming that no facility will be lagging and working condition will be extremely professional there. I also left Electrical Eng. for the sake of Mechanical Eng. I was fond and pride of this tough call at that time; But dreams died slowly here.

City was not so good looking as seen from the windows of train. I was not hoping huge expectations from the city. We were received by a bunch of seniors at the railway station. They had volunteered for hospitality to have fun. After waiting for 1 hour, a bus arrives and we were pushed inside a bus which never looks good from the first look. It was a fair welcome from the ITBHU;

When I arrived at Lanka (for god sake who had named this place? He must be native of Srilanka or a distant relative of Raavan); In the bus travel, little was said between us freshers but seniors keep blabbing about the HOLY city Varanasi. I now call it 'hole' city as all good things are drained away by stagnation and orthodoxies;

Arrival at the main gate of university was a anxious moment and seeing the person's statue who had built the university was a charming second of my life. I was thinking that he dream a dream to live up with a dream....

Stand by me

When night is dark,
Silence rules the world.
A chill breeze surrounding you
Alone in woods, just stand by me.
When going gets tough,
Feeling constraint in crowded worlds.
Uncomfortable in passing moments and place,
Beneath the open sky, stand by me.
Not always solitude is blessing,
Sometimes haunting as a curse.
Remember cherishing memories of the past,
Just wish a smile and stand by me.
Curbed by sorrows, lost in gloom
Lights of hope fading in hearts;
Just come to me, refresh your soul
Beside my grave, stand by me.